gabriella shaw ceramics - bespoke hand painted ceramics

The great ‘Save Jordan’s Giant Jugs’ Campaign

With a slogan like that, it could only be the Sun couldn’t it?


You may be wondering what any of this could possibly have to do with ceramics and that was exactly Gabriella’s reaction when, as she was sitting minding her own business in February 2004, she received a phone call enquiring whether she would be able to produce a pair of jugs in the shape of Jordan’s most famous assets.

jordans giant jugs

Never one to turn down a challenge she said yes.

‘In an hour?’, the voice enquired.

‘Yes’ she said again, assuming by now that this was nothing more than a practical joke.

‘Excellent – I’m from the Sun and my photographer’s on his way..’

jordans giant jugs

Now, the team are used to unusual requests but this caused even them a few raised eyebrows! Not to be beaten though, they produced the jugs, which were duly photographed and subsequently offered as prizes in the Sun’s great campaign.

jordans giant jugs


Produced as a limited edition, Jordan’s Jugs are still available to anyone who sadly failed to be one of the lucky twenty Sun winners.

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